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Thank you for your support of Choices
Thank you in advance for your financial contribution to Choices.
We hope you will consider making Choices part of your estate planning.
Your donations are tax deductible.
Make a donation today by check or Credit Card / Paypal.
If you would like to mail a donation to Choices, Make Check Payable to: Choices
Send your donation to: 216 West Main Street, Luray, VA 22835.
*For those wishing to volunteer, please fill out our volunteer application here.
You Can Make a Lasting Impact on Domestic Violence in Page County!
Did you realize you can make a legacy contribution to Choices in support of those experiencing domestic violence in Page County? It is easy to do in a number of ways, just contact your attorney or tax advisor for more information.
1. A Gift in your Will or Living Trust
By adding a sentence to your will or living trust, you can bring life changing help to those experiencing domestic violence.
2. Retirement Plan Assets
You can name Choices as a beneficiary of your retirement plans. Distributions from inherited retirement plans are not taxable when given to Choices.
3. Non-Cash Assets
When you give Choices gifts of appreciated stock, real estate, commodities, or business interests, you can maximize your tax savings while increasing your impact on those suffering from domestic violence in Page County.
4. Charitable Gift Annuity
When you use cash or stock to establish a charitable gift annuity, you can provide Choices with a fixed income even after your lifetime to help bring lasting change for those experiencing domestic violence.
5. Donor – Advised Fund
You can name Choices as the grantee or the beneficiary for your donor-advised fund which you hold at an organization.
We hope you will think about adding Choices, Council for Domestic Violence in Page County to your legacy of caring today.