Programs & Services

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Choices offers clients these services

24 Hour Hotline – Persons in need can call any time to speak with a trained volunteer or staff member.

Emergency Shelter – Safe housing can be provided to victims and children.

Crisis Intervention & Safety Planning – Caring staff and volunteers are available to discuss the problems faced, provide information and referrals, and assist with services.

Individual Peer Counseling – Support and education to victims of domestic and sexual violence.

Adult Support Groups – Provide information and peer support and encourage self-esteem for victims of domestic and sexual violence.

Teen Education/Support Group – Focuses on teen dating relationships, self-esteem, sexual harassment, and building healthy relationships

Children’s Support/Education Groups – Provides education and peer support for children in families dealing with domestic and sexual violence. Provides children with an outlet for their feelings outside of a family setting.

Children’s Services Coordination – Children and adolescents are assessed and services coordinated with the parent and community programs. Education is provided to parents in parenting skills and good parenting is encouraged.

Emergency Transportation – Can be provided for the safety of victims and children. Safety of all involved, including staff, are considered with these services.

Legal Advocacy – Trained court companions lend support to victims by explaining legal proceedings and accompanying them to court.

Information and Referral – Provide information to clients and will refer them to other community groups or agencies that are most appropriate to person’s needs.

Housing Assistance– Provide housing services to eligible residents in the shelter. Complete paperwork for the Rapid Rehousing Program. Assist residents in finding affordable housing and provide information to prospective landlords about Rapid Rehousing.

Community Response Team – Representatives from most service agencies in the community meet at least 6 times per year to discuss concerns and issues surrounding domestic and sexual violence. The CRT helps to promote good will and good working relationships between all community agencies who participate.

Community Education and Awareness – Provide training and education to community groups and para-professionals about the dynamics of domestic and sexual violence and solutions to the problem of family violence in our community.

On-Site Therapy –  We now are able to provide on-site therapist available to offer services to persons who have experienced Domestic and/or Sexual Violence.

Lethality Assessment –Program (LAP). This joint effort will improve services within Page County to provide additional safety protocols to reduce the risk of homicide amongst intimate partners. As part of the community, Choices is excited to announce the LAP’s implementation and look forward to a more victim-centered approach to intimate partner violence.